:P days are passing n im still not ready!!
Was Bithcing At:
Sunday, July 29, 2007 @ 3:54 AM
hehe!!sar's bday was last thursday....tien n i taught of buying her a cake so we kumpul money...so frenz was cooperative to give generous amount of money,some gave more than we asked....so on wed afternoon i went to Secret Recipe in the Curve wif my sister n picked a brownie cake~well,to me its sumthing different coz always cake cake cake so i choose a chocolate almond
brownie.... :) so on thursday morning i left it at mannz house(thankz mann!muakz!!) coz her house was the nearrest to skul!!:P so in choir we sang happy bday to sarry!!:P then after that we found out that the back gate was locked so we used the padang way,a steep stair way aka the ponteng skul way....mann n i waited for sarah at the top
to splash her wif water.....waited till the mosquetos bit out legs!!Oooooo damn itchy man!!then, finally!!she came!!we gave her a chance to put down her bags so we immediately splashed her wif water!!kekekeke it was fun!then came along aaron n tiara.....wishing her happy bday n sar hugged aaron wif her basah kuyup baju kurung.....he was kinda damp.....but it was alright....:P so we walked back to sarah's house......n partay!!!!!
oh!!i watched TRANSFORMERS!!!yayayya!!!FUCKING CUN MAN!!!i still love Josh Duhamel!!!fucking sexay!!n n n........Amaury Nolasco!!!:P both oso sexy!!n not forgetting Bumblebee(Chavrolet Camaro!)!!Ooooo~~Jazz(Modified Pontiac Solstice)too~~love love love!!
oh!!!!i bough sarah's present already!!:P i wanna know wat her parents buy for her!!!argh!!nvm 2moro i ask hjer to bringt o tuition!!kekekek!!i wanna see!!:P
k chowz~~:P