after a long vacation from my bloggie.
Was Bithcing At:
Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 9:08 AM do i start?
sorry i have not updated my blog!
:S so this past few weeks was so boring..more like..lonely.
i think?
hmm..i wish my life would be like the movies.
and i feel that im not happy inside me..
u know like empty..
some ppl dont need other ppl to be happy.
but i think i need someone there by my side then i can be happy.
someone that i can tell everything inside..
hmm...someone i could be me when im around with..
someone dat would be with me thru anything..
someone that is not a malay...
truthfully speaking...i miss my ex..he was there when i needed help..
but coz of our religion...we have to break up..
it has been 5 months now...i still miss him.but i dont think i love him..
tried to hook up this jangka masa..
but i guess guys are just player....refering to my previous post..i know his friend and his friend did the same thing to me..
but still make like nothing happen oni..
well...u know what they say!trick me once shame on you,trick me twice,shame on me!
why do i have to meet guys like this?
i like a guy in class..
but...we dont even talk that much..
and we dont even know anything bout each other..except for our names..
another thing...
i ALWAYS have to fake a smile when im sad..
well,when im sober,i am normally hyper active..
and when im just sad a lil..ppl will ask me,what happen?why?why?why?
its like "what?i cant be sad is it?im human oso kay!!"
wish someone was here to hold me tight..
being single to me is really hard!
i know to other ppl is really easy and they love it!
but i think they just say single is better so that they feel better for themselves!
for me...single is hard coz i dont understand my feelings..when someone does sumthing nice to me..
i always interpret it differently..
i will instantly think that someone likes me. and i will jump to conclusions!
sad life rite?
like so desperate like that..
mayb coz my ex already have a gf rite after we broke up?
i dunno..
mayb that affected me.
secondhand serenade really cure the pain!
or mayb adding to the pain!:(
anything la....i love to listen to them.
today,no one msges my phn...i feel like i dont exist! one wanna care for me to msg me even!
mayb coz im not important!:)
they only call me when they need me..
i guess thats life rite?
life sucks like shit!
mayb this is why i was so emo last time!:)
i was emo u know!:P
i always wear black and all.
mayb thats the cause?
i think la.
i dunno..
i dunno anything!:)
my fav word is i dunno and mayb!
i love to read post secret!:)
so that i dont feel so sory for myself..
today's post is all about my sorrows..
all about me being sad!
so ppl,i can be sad too coz i am human!KAY!